while searching for a city guide for barcelona i discovered a fabulous website called it offers city guides for thirteen metropolises worldwide. Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Ibiza, London, Miami, Milan, Paris, Sao Paulo, Shanghai & Vienna. You get some information about shops, food, hotels, special events & activities is really wonderful, all special and stylish shops i've been searching for so long are listed there! Barcelona is a beautiful city, i really can't wait to get there in summer ♥
last night was a brilliant night. michelle, a friend of mine, had her 17th birthday party with campfire on snow and vodka on ice. oh it is really a long time ago when i got SO drunk last time. totally lost control over my body ; my brain & everything. i couldn't stop laughin, i wasn't able to take pictures without shaking the camera but it was such a wonderful evening, my girls were with me and the night didn't feel so cold anymore. in the end my lovely girl Mona and i couldn't stop talking shit anymore. we talked & sang & laughed & . .
Photos taken with HOLGA 120 GCFN
what is time? the clock's ticking ; the human's heartbeat ; the water's dropping? i only know that 24h/day are not enough. i need more time for drawing ; photography & creativity. but this damn thing called school doesn't want me to have more. ._. the night is getting day for me. when i'm going outside the house it's dark because the sun hadn't raised yet & when i'm coming home it's dark again because the sun already went down. that's so depressing. darkness, cold and lonely darkness is everywhere around me.
today at 6:45am i unsuspectingly went outside the house going to school & what must i see ? SNOW. white and fluffy snow falling from the sky. a dark and grey sky. i can't decide whether hating or loving it. I hate snow if it's getting wet and slushy and brown and your shoes get wet and your hair gets damaged and your pants are ruined. But i love snow if it's a bright ; cold and shining day and the snow covers the world like a big and quiet blanket so everything looks like beeing decorated with powdered sugar. And i love it 'cause i can go Snowboarding after more than a half year of waiting again. i'm really addicted to it so i buy all those snowboardmagazines in summer. that makes me feel better.i won't stop practicing some tricks this winter so i'll get a little bit better ;D snowboarding is so fascinating. i'm admiring all those guys and girls who are able do some really spectacular tricks. ♥
Drop Dead.
i really have to post more photos on this blog. i think it looks a bit drab right now.more coulours - more lightheartedness. oh i love this word ; just found it while thinking about what to write here . . a light heart is a happy heart. that's true. there are so beautiful expressions ; it's much easier to say something in english than saying it in german. i hate the german language. it's so stiff and kind of square. english is soft and flowing. that's the reason why i'm writing in english. everyone can understand & english is soo much more lovely than german. i love those long/strange/old words like gloomy ; paranormal ; obscureness . . oh that reminds me of mori chacks 'gloomy bear' . . its an absolutely cute japanese pink bear that kills & eats people. it's kind of macabre but i love him anyway ♥
yesterday i bought a beige/grey/dusky pink coloured swallow scarf ♥ i love those black swallows printed on it.. some time ago i was wondering if i should get a swallow tattoo at my chest. i really would love to have some ink under my skin until forever . and one is for sure: after about one and a half year of waiting i'll take my best friend to a tattooer & we'll both get a little black star at our wrists to remind the wonderful days we had in more than 12 years friendship and to make the promise that this friendship will be forever ♥ she's the most important person in my life and living without her would be only pain. an other tattoo i really would love to have is a little moustache at one of my fingers . . so if i hold it in front and above my mouth it would look like a 'real' moustache *-*
maybe you're wondering why i called the URL ' theslushybrain ' that's easy to explain: my brain is a slushy brain ; some really strange thoughts hide there & i love those blue or green or pink drinks called 'monster slush' i love drawing brains. that sounds a little bit weird maybe, but if you doodle something you can always fill some white space just with brain. pink & wiggling brain.
i thought a bit about this lookbook thing & had a great idea: what about posting looks in different styles, like the Nerd ; the Gothic ; the Lomographer ; the Japanese School Girl ; the Scene ; the Grunge ; the Shopaholic & so on . . i think my personal dress style is the cross between scene ; street & fashion but first of all dark. so i thought i could show all those different sides of myself, split up in their original look.
some basics from h&m i absolutely need & so i just ordered them. a dark grey top with buttons ; the grey sweatshirt ; a long grey cardigan & a black longsleeve with buttons . & i love h&m. they always have some real nice basics & i nearly buy all my basics there.. if i had money i probably would buy them at american apparel but i haven't. it's very expensive here in germany but it is soo nice . they sort their shirts according to the rainbow colours.. OMG! thats maybe the biggest reason why i'm loving it *-* so i'm gonna post some photos, like a 'look of the day' and then you can see how those fabulous things look like d: today i spent my whole day with drawing and some things like that so i'm really tired now.. but that doesn't keep me from writing some shit in here..^-^ yesterday i recognized that my posts get longer and longer but maybe the reason is that i don't care what people think about it anymore .. i write lots of strange things here & i hope i don't bore you with this <(^^<) so my plans for the future are: more looks ; more photos ; more sites ; more more ; more ! oh. i nearly forgot: i planned a stupid little youtube-series called 'peter maffis' it'll launch maybe in 3 months [ you have to watch it ! ] ♥
glamour kills.
another wonderful online store : Glamour Kills . i love their photo&graphic designed tees & i absolutely want to order something . . if there weren't those unbelievable high shipping costs. /= it's not fair. why am i not living in USA ? all the wonderful things come from there.. Germany Kills !
YAY! i finally ordered this grey sweatshirt.. i really wanted one because i love them & there are some really nice ways of wearing it .. with some black tights or those ripped pants. i really like how caro wears it . [ left ] i found this look on . it's an absolutely fabulous site ; you can get inspiration ; post your looks ; get to know people & talk about fashion. i really love it ♥ but i wasn't brave enough to post my first look.. i need a 'photoshoot' ! maybe i should ask my bestie . oh yey.. that's a wonderful idea if boredom has catched us once more & we can't do something else as watchin' featherbrained youtube videos like 'Hot Potato' [ but i love this cuuute little burning potato d: ] or 'ASDF-Movie' [ die potato ! ] oh.. i just recognized i love all those videos featuring potatoes (: but back to my original theme: what should i do ? i'm afraid that i won't get some hypes & that my looks totally disappear. maybe you have some tips for me how to launch a successful new look ;D