well, after a long time i can finally show you my photographs from rome. the first two pictures are taken with an single-use underwater camera from a local super market - first one is actually taken in palma de mallorca during my last trip. i really love those single-use cameras, you don't have to buy a super expensive underwater case for your own camera, you could just use them and experience a little analogue feeling.. the last two photos are taken with my holga and i recognized that this red light leak isn't just randomly, actually there must be a little leak in the back of my camera.. but i don't think i'll close it, i like the little light, it's the unique signature of my pictures - really, it's nearly on every photo since i use the white back for my holga again and there was a little piece where light could come in, a red foil..i put some black paper and nail polish behind, but as you can see it didn't really work - i love it anyways. the 4th picture shows piazza del popolo, where an awesome flea market would have been, but we didn't make it to go there because we had to walk around sightseeing with our teachers.. >.< but all in all it was such a wonderful trip AND it was warm, beautifully warm and sunny..
a little preview: my hair changed his colour again..
Super awesome pictures!