under your skin.

i was just thinking about what i would love to have under my skin forever - a tattoo. i always wanted to have one, me and my best friend, but now that i'm officially allowed to i should start to think about what i would put there, forever. i love swallows, human heart, feathers, key, moustache, triangle and words.. but what would i write there? what would be awesome to write if that tattoo should remember us of each other forever? infinity, endless, love, imagine, never ending, dream without fear - love without limits, reality leaves a lot to the imagination, real is just a matter of perception, heart, 08.06.1998, always.


  1. the tattoos are beautiful x

  2. bin ein fan von tattoo, die zeilen aus lieblingssongs zeigen.

    und kleines, auf den ersten blick "sinnloses". wie einen kleinen minianker. den niemand sieht. und wenn doch, keiner weiß, dass er nicht nur mich an etwas erinnert, sondern auch noch drei weitere, ganze wunderbare menschen.


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.