and all the snow is gone.

i'm back from livigno and it was an absolutely wonderful week. i had a lot of fun snowboarding, i learned some new tricks, the weather was great and i also had the chance to watch the RIVER JUMP snowboard contest live, wich was amazing. the riders did some really cool tricks, actually really jumping over a small river in between the kickers! O: returning back i discovered that my diana mini donut made it and mine's now one of the twelve final designs, so please help me and VOTE! thank you so much! ♥ ♥ and if you want to laugh: i also got a small video for you, showing my skills in snowboarding - well at least i tried that super funny air bag they had in their snowpark, without being able to do a special trick, i just flew out of any control - watch it here.. i shot some analougue photos too, so as soon as they're developed i'll show them to you!

1 comment:

  1. Danke! ♥
    Ich musste grade voll grinsen, als ich dein Kommentar gelesen hab (:


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.