studded converse inspiration

since i'd seen those absolutely wonderful studded converse at lazy bones really wanted to have a pair myself - screams for a DIY! i own three pairs of converse, one of them i used to call halloween-shoes because they're orange and came with black laces.. well, i don't  like orange anymore, so i decided i'll bleach them, just like the ones above, after that i'll see how the colours are and if they're not satisfying, i'll try to paint or dye them or bleach them again or whatever and then finally stud them. well, that point souds easy but it isn't. i can't decide if i should use pyramid studs or round studs, gold or silver ones and if i should do a even pattern or just spread the studs randomly - i like every possibility, in the end i think it'll depend on the colour..
i've been searching for some inspiration and at least i know that small studs look way better than big ones, luckily i ordered some 7mm pyramid-studs via ebay last week. i also found an other pair of studded converse there, you can also find them at the bloodycat webstore and i love that store anyway, they've got some awesome things there ♥ -just the korean signs are a bit confusing..


  1. dankesehr =) oh nö davor hab ich eigentlich keine angst, ich dehne ja gaaaaaaaanz langsam und auch immer vorsichtig.♥

  2. Rentabel in Lerchenfeld. Ist son Laden von der Caritas Richtung Stoibermühle :)


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