and the winner is...

finally! today i picked the winner for the 200-readers-win-a-pair-of-customized-levis-shorts-giveaway and the lucky one is..
FUesPV on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs congrats to MELLY! and don't be sad if you didn't win, there'll be another giveaway here for sure! anyways, again i wanted to thank you all for reading my blog, you can hardly imagine how much it means to me if people enjoy my posts and leave all those nice comments, i love you! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. congratulations melly! xo looking forward to the next giveaway! :)<3

  2. Well, happy melly!
    im a little bit envious now. but i'm looking forward to the next giveaway :-)

  3. awwwww danke danke :}
    ♥♥♥♥ ich bin so glücklich !

  4. Thanks for the comment!:) yeah, it took me about 3674829 hours to find all of those clothes but i feel happy i've found them now! I've found some really cheap yin and yang leggings on e-bay so i've decided to get them! so excited! wooooo, your ear stretching post is going to be amazing! i'm really looking forward to it! i'm also excited for your next giveaway, maybe i'll win next time :Lxo loving the blog! xo


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.