DIY tie dye stuff

after a massive tie-dye-day i'm really proud to present you a tutorial on how to tie dye shirts or sweaters and how to dye two-colour ombre shorts:

to create a spiral pattern you have to take the shirt in the middle, then turn until the whole shirt has rolled up to a rather compact spiral. push the sleeves and loose fabric tighter around and secure everthing with some twine. a good video for how to do this you can find here.
this is what your spiral-pack should look like before dying.
for the 'crumple-pattern' i wanted to achive for the sweater, just crumple it together and wrap some twine around it to secure it.

mix the bleach in a clean plastic bucket by following in the instructions on the package. completely dip the sweater into the dye, it should be completely covered with liquid, and leave it in there for some time (1h with my dye, might be different with yours!) the longer you leave it in the paint the darker and more intense the colour gets, so for a pastell colour just leave it in a bit shorter.. take it out afterwards and rinse it in the sink to get most of the leftover dye out. then put it into the washing machine, but be careful, do not wash it with other things, there's still a lot of dye in it, that could change the colour of the other clothes!
the first shirt i completely dipped into the paint..
..the second one i dipped in just half, it'll create two different patterns!
to create the ombre effect on your shorts, dip them halfway into the dye, then step by step take it out, the top part should sit in the paint for the longest time. take it out, rinse it, then put the other half into another colour. to make a nice transition dip the pants a little bit more into the dye, after some time take it a bit out, so that the first colour is completely out of the paint. some good tutorials here and here on youtube!
the fabric of the sweater soaked up the paint very well, so there's just a very light tie dye pattern, you might not even see on the photo, maybe it'll change a bit after washing..
..completely dipped in and halfway dipped in!the colours went out very dark and intense, i hope it'll fade a bit when i put it into the washing machine.. but all in all i think the stuff looks really cool, especially the shirts came out really awesome, dying is so much fun, try it!


  1. An halb-färben habe ich noch nie gedacht. danke für die idee (:

    Habe heute auch den Tag genutzt um meine Leggings Türkis/Bordeaux zu batiken.

  2. As always: amazing!
    They're all came out very well - the shirt you dipped halfway looks like a wave...

  3. wie geilo! ich will das immer alles machen aber setze es dann im gegensatz zu dir doch nie in die tat um;) hast du dich mal wegen den nikes aus england informiert? hab letztens gesehen dass die versandkosten bei um die 40 euro liegen womit man ja fast alles gesparte wieder drauf hat.. lg

  4. wow sau coole anleitung. gibt mir auf jeden fall den anreiz, das jetzt endlich doch mal zu machen..
    ich bin ürigens so ne neue leserin deines blogs, weil ich den korrekt finde. und über savemilkdrinkblood gefunden habe...
    also ganz liebe grüßéeee ;))

  5. das blaue sieht genial aus!

  6. best.
    da steckt viel Potential drinn. danke für diesen Post und toller Blog

    le maingardist

  7. das blau weiße t-shirt ist einfach richtig richtig richtig gut geworden :O hätte auch mal lust sowas zu machen aber ich bin untalentiert mit so färbe und bleich dinger ._.

  8. Anonymous10/10/2012

    super cooool!

    xx. Hybrid Hunter


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