dropdead winter sneak peak

DROPDEAD recently released a small sneak peak of the upcoming winter 2012/2013 collection and i'm already in love with it! look at those shirts, i could instantly order them both! dropdead's one of my favourite clothing web stores, i love nearly all of their stuff, you should really check them out!
PS: sorry for not posting that much recently, moving out and university consumed pretty much of my time, but i'll try to post more often now! coming soon: appartement tour, outfits and more!


  1. ich lieb deinen Blog!

  2. Die Shirts sind echt schön ! <3

  3. dein blog ist total cool! mal was anderes:) xx

  4. Mag das linke Top haben :( Toller Blog!

  5. Anonymous11/02/2012

    Hey I really love your blog! Maybe you could tell me, where can I get that kind of tumblr gadget?

  6. hi (: just type in 'tumblr widget' in google.. i think its one of the first links.. you'll get a code but you'll have to modify it a little bit, just add a jump into next line after each of the picture codes.. then they'll be under each other instead of next to.. - don't know how to explain it better.. ^^ just try it! :D


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.