vintage's cooler than new

hat -CARHARTT  // shirt - DIY // sweater - NIKE vintage // pants - H&M // boots - DR MARTENS

just a simple outfit, what i've been wearing to university today.. and really, i love my university, today we did some kind of a small trip to rosenheim to visit the steelcase worklab, pretty interesting there! and we got free food, cake and drinks - wich was delicious!  i really enjoy studying interior design, besically everywhere we go we get delicious food, sometimes beer, sometimes wine.. best thing i could do! :D


Frances Ligeia said...

Oh, wohnst du in der Nähe von Rosenheim? :D
Ich auch :D
Tolles Outfit, die Mütze steht dir super!

Lena said...


VP said...

True! Geht nix über die Old School Sweater von Nike. Sehr lässiger Look!

Unknown said...

Sehr cool :) Ich ärgere mch schon total, dass ich all meine alten Klamotten aussortiert hab :D
Damit bin ich leider immer zu schnell!

xx Danie

Rina G. said...

Du bist zuckersüß!

T! said...

geiler Pulli!