
 i found the most hilarious DIY paper folding tutorial ever: the gangnam-santa. this thing is just so much fun, i made it at the university last week and since then everyone walking by my desk plays with it, it's soo funny!  the tutorial can be found at KAMIBOX, it comes with a template, so you'd just print it, cut it out and fold it - i have to admit it's not that easy, it takes at least 30mins to fold and glue that thing - but it's soo much fun! and if you take a look at their website - you should definitely do! - you'll find a lot of other awesome things, like nyan cat, super mario, spongebob.. i plan to fold them all! 


  1. dankeschön ♥
    ooohjaaa es hat weh getan wie sonst was. weil auf'm fuß ja nur knochen und kein fettgewebe ist. das war als hätte mir jemand ein bügeleisen auf'n fuß gelegt. so ungefähr ;)

    und der santa! absolute genial! :'D

  2. hahahahaha, großartig!

  3. Jedes Mal, wenn ich vorbeischaue, dann komme ich ins Träumen *_*


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.