the end - again.

it's the end of the year, today in about 13h and looking back on 2011 i had an awesome spring and summer, with lots of travelling and even though the weather sucked so much, we made the best of it and had beautiful holidays. when autumn and finally winter arrived everything got kinda bad, i had lot's of trouble and all i hope for 2012 is that i won't do the same mistakes again and i really hope we'll have a lot of sunshine in the summer next year, since i won't be able to travel that much.. sadly. i know, new years resolutions are stupid, and i have only one, wich is to get that fucking university place to study product/industrial design - and i need to work a lot, draw a lot and successfully participate on qualifying examinations, to make this dream come true finally. i also wanted to thank you, all my lovely readers, for that great support in 2011, you're so sweet! ♥ ♥ ♥ and hopefully you're gonna have a wonderful 2012 and a beautiful new years eve, with all the people you love around! HAPPY NEW YEAR. ♥


  1. danke für deinen lieben kommentar! dein design gefällt mir richtig, richtig gut. ist mal was anderes finde ich. (:
    liebe grüße ♥

  2. ohh danke <3 hast echt geile DIYs, thumbs up! und ein frohes neues wünsch ich dir :)

  3. Anonymous1/03/2012

    oh wow!!


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.