i had a wonderful day, spent shopping in munich, since it's sale now, and well, if i count everything together, i have saved nearly 60€ with today's purchases! i love sale ♥ also i finally got a new parka, since the zipper of the one i had before broke just after i had it only 2 months or something, i couldn't really decide if i should buy it, because it isn't black and i really wear a lot of black, also i haven't got ANY brown things in my closet, but i don't count beige as brown actually.. the (removable) fur lining persuaded me in the end! (also it's very warm and cozy and i thought if i don't like the colour anymore next year i would simply dye it black, just as my cut-off shorts! - wich i'm actually really planning to do, everyone's gonna think i've got a new jacket.. so biggest DIY project for fall 2012 already.)
daanke diiir :):):)
ReplyDeletedie sachen sind schön. der parka gefällt mir am besten. die farbe ist echt schön. mal was anderes anstatt immer die standard farbe :D :))
quite-charming,: der parka ist echt total schön!
ReplyDeleteyay es funktioniert!:D
ReplyDeleteich weiß, deshlab hab ich mich auch gefragt warum alle sich nicht erklären konnten wie ich das mit dem fliegen gemacht habe :D
ReplyDeleteich versteh auch nicht was alle mit photoshop haben, ich würd niemals geld fürs bilder bearbeiten ausgeben wenns kostenlos geht, außerdem ist photoshop mit seinen 24924980283192734123 anwendungen viiiel zu unübersichtlich :D
xoxo <3