red corner festival

i'm back from a wonderful weekend at a very small local festival - the red corner festival. of course it rained but on saturday the sun came out and the day became beautiful. WE BUTTER THE BREAD WITH BUTTER was basically the only band we watched, and they were AWESOME! favourite song: breekachu - they're crazy and one of the few bands that sound good although their lyrics are german!


  1. ich liebe festivals so aber bin noch zu jung dafür :(
    wie finanzierst du dir eigentlich die festivals sind ja nicht grad billig oder gehst du nicht so oft hin?

  2. Was ist los? Man sieht ja bei dir gar keine Bilder mehr. :(

  3. Okay, jetzt gehts wieder

  4. Oh letztes Jahr bei wbtbwb Stage Diving! War Ultra gut :)

  5. tolle bilder, super stimmung ♥ Liebe Grüße.♥


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.