some more skull jewellery again..

the last part of my skull-jewellery-project, now i nearly used all the beads i got, it's awesome, i made five earrings, three bracelets and one necklace out of ONE SINGLE skull bracelet! well, i love the bracelets, i'm pairing them with my new feather bracelets, that i got from claire's on sale, 5 for 3€ -one of them actually had to die for that earring on the pictures..
some news: i PASSED the qualifying examinations for the akademie der bildenden künste -'art university'- in munich, so i'm gonna study interior design in october! i'm so happy, you can't believe it.. but that means i will spend my summer doing an internship in a joiner's workshop, i need that to be allowed to study there.. sadly that means again less time for DIY.. but i'll still have the weekends, so don't worry guys!
and: i'm going to a very small local festival called 'red corner' this weekend, and although it's not very famous, we butter the bread with butter is going to play there, so i'm pretty excited!


  1. ASDFGHJKL!! YOU GOT INTO UNI! CONGRATULATIONS!! ahh i wish i could go to uni but apparently i'm too young -.- but yayayayayay so happy for you! and i'm in love with the skull jewelry. definitely making some for the summer! you seriously have to save up some moeny, but it will be worth it, and, as you said, it might be a once in a lifetime experience! xoxoxo by the way, where's your blogspot html from? xoxo

  2. die armbänder :O

  3. herzlichen glückwunsch!
    und die armbänder sind wundervoll. ich will auch eins!

  4. Deine Ideen sind richtig gut. Ich habe mir jetzt auch eine shorts genäht und diese Skelett leggings werde in den nächsten tagen mal ein Bild davon posten ;) Danke! :)

  5. ich trau mich nicht mehr bei ebay was zu bestellen... o.O ich hab da mal großen mist gehabt...

    und die dokumenta ist wirklich sehr sehr interessant und einen besuch einfach wert. aber am besten in bequemen schuhen ;)

  6. toller Blog,
    und genial was du immer mit deinen Klamotten machst


'cause i'd love any thought of your slushy brain.