gettin' stuff from brain to paper really is THE eternal struggle, i had that pretty much for the last two weeks.. as long as i have reached the point where i actually know what to draw everything's fine and i could just draw hours and hours.. but well, to reach that point it takes a long long time.. anyway, i'm just drawing crystal things mostly, that's what i basically love to do all the time and so i try to kinda work that whole crystal or geometric theme into the drawings i want to hand in for university.. crystal moss on trees, the geometry of crystals itself, or the geometry of wasted-paper-balls, origami instructions.. crystals - paper - nature, these are the things i try to incorporate into interior or product design somehow.. next thing to draw: jellyfish. they're awkwardly scary but stunningly beautiful at the same time - i'm trying watercolour this time. -maybe.
best thing of the day: i won another vintage levi's denim jacket on ebay for just 1€ (+6,50€ shipping) - what a bargain! can't wait for it to arrive :D wich means DIY-time
- i wouldn't just leave it as plain as it is now of course.
remembered something else: what do you think of a watermelon-design for my holga? i'm currently thinking about how i could paint her.. galaxy is one of my favourites, too - but that's pretty much impossible to do..
alde, danke für dein kommi :)
fast unglaublich, dass es sie noch gibt: menschen, die sich trotz mehrerer leser trotzdem noch fürs lesen bedanken!find ich geil!
weiter so :)
viele grüße!!
a watermelon design would be a.m.a.z.i.n.g. if you do decide to do it pleaseeee post a DIY about how you did it!! also you are so talented at art, you'd have no problem getting into a university here in england!
i love your blog!
<3 the dizy genie ;D
also, how come you manage to find such cheap jackets off e-bay,in england they're like £20?! <3
Love your style! Got ALOT of inpiration from your blog and i will definately be visiting more often from now on! Lots of love / Ella from Sweden
...Yeah, I noticed that the denim jacket you bought and made into a west was the same model as this jacket i found in a little thift store here in Sweden! I love the agelessness and universality of Levis' denim! xx
Hallo, ich bin studentin an der Uni Mannheim und suche Teilnehmerinnen für ein Interview über euren Modeblog im Rahmen meiner Bachelorarbeit! Kontaktiert mich doch bitte per Mail, wenn ihr lust habt, daran teil zu nehmen und ihr zwischen 13 und 18 Jahre alt seid! Meine email: ich würde mich sehr freuen!!!
jajajaja! mach die wassermelone! ich spiel auch schon länger mit dem gedanken! dann sollten wir online einen wassermelonen-lomo-vergleich machen.
head + heels
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